Google Creates Fiber-Optic Madness Worldwide

Michael Augustine

On April 14th, SEO-Specialist-Online informed you of Google’s plans to provide the first ever gigabyte broadband network across the United States. Currently Google has been seeking partners to conduct beta tests of their fiber optic network within their respective community. This announcement has caused quite a stir across the United States. Several applicants have gone through great lengths to secure their spot as a partner in the fiber optic project.

Recently Topeka Kansas became the most notable candidate to apply to be selected as a partner within the project. On March 2nd, CNN reported that the mayor of Topeka announced that the name of his city will be changed to “Google” as a request for consideration to be a part the Google project. On April 1st, Google responded in kind by Changing the Company name to “Topeka” as a friendly April fool’s joke.

Despite the popularity that Topeka received from their effort to become a part of the project, there are many other applicants that deserve consideration for their efforts. In the video below, CBS News issued a report on the progress on the selection of applicants for the project. Google fever runs deep within the United States. So who are going to be the winners and losers of the promotion? Whoever the winner or loser is, Google definitely comes out the winner in this deal!


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One Response to "Google Creates Fiber-Optic Madness Worldwide"

  1. Alex says:

    Great Article

    Can’t wait till Google comes to my town!!

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