Monthly archive for June 2010

SEO Today and Tomorrow

Wednesday, den 30. June 2010

It is estimated that less than two percent of the commercial and small business website content writing on the Internet have had any optimization for search engines today still.

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Technology Hot Off the Wire

Wednesday, den 23. June 2010

What would you think about the Internet having a kill switch? One Senator has introduced legislation which would allow Homeland Security to issue emergency orders to broadband providers, search engines and software companies, essentially allowing HLS to order the turn-off or enact government control of the Internet in the United States.

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Thought for the day….

Saturday, den 19. June 2010

Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, It’s about learning to dance in the rain! As we all know, our results are only as good as our plan. One of my mentors, taught me that it’s not what happens that determines the major part of our future, because what happens, happens to us […]

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Thursday, den 17. June 2010

Developers and network admins will appreciate the long-awaited merge of WordPress MU and WordPress, creating the new multi-site functionality which makes it possible to run one blog or ten million from the same installation.

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