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Michael Augustine

On March 24th commander cialis canada of SEO-Specialist-Online first reported to you about Google’s plans to offer their own TV service.  Well today those plans became a reality as Google announced the launch of Google TV at their annual I/O conference in San Francisco, California. 

 “Here we are folks — the multimillion-channel TV,” said Google project director Rishi Chandra during a two-hour keynote.  With the addition of the new and recently improved “Android” operating system, users can now access all of their favorite websites via Google Chrome along with viewing their favorite TV shows.

  This announcement revolutionizes the entertaiment industry by bringing the internet in your living room.  Users can now view their favorite pictures on their TV in the form of a slideshow, play their favorite video game, or even listen to their favorite music.  With Google TV, your content is always a click or search away.

Since Google TV was built on open source platforms such as Google Chrome and Android, Google issued a challenge to application developers to optimize websites and develop applications for Google TV.  Google has also announced a partnership between Sony and Logitech to provide content rich applications.  The video below gives an overview of Google TV and all of the amazing features it provides. 

SEO Specialist Online is proud to be part of the Google TV experience and we are excitied to what the “future of television” may hold!


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One Response to "Google TV Enters Your Livingroom"

  1. Jessica says:

    I think that Google TV has a lot of promise, but also has the potential to backslide. I’m hoping that everything ends up alright though. From what I have viewed, Google TV is the kind of thing I would really like to get.

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