Archive of the Category 'SEO Chatter'

Happy Veteran’s Day

Thursday, den 11. November 2010

It’s important to educate our children about Veterans Day and to understand the sacrifices these brave soldiers made and continue to make, to fight for our country.

CategoryImportant Updates, SEO Chatter | 0 Kommentar »

SEO Today and Tomorrow

Wednesday, den 30. June 2010

It is estimated that less than two percent of the commercial and small business website content writing on the Internet have had any optimization for search engines today still.

CategoryImportant Updates, SEO Chatter | 1 Kommentar »

Google’s “Reasonable Surfer” Patent

Monday, den 14. June 2010

When you create a new page, or modify an existing one, consider which outbound links on the page you want to pass the most value to. On the home page of the site, these might be links to your bestselling products.

CategorySEO Chatter | 0 Kommentar »

Worst SEO Blunders

Sunday, den 13. June 2010

Today Google Real-Time Search Changes Everything. Not being where your customer is looking could be costing you their business! Search engines are tightening up the loopholes to manipulate positioning.

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